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March 2021 - Looking and leaping forward

With restrictions easing further and lighter evenings available due to the changing of the clocks, we are delighted to have been able to get together for weekly rehearsals once again. It has been a positive start to the year, with one new song now securely practised together and ready to add to our set ,with a second currently in the arrangement stages. We have seen a significant increase in the number of enquiries as optimistic brides and grooms start to finalise plans for their special days, so it looks set to be another busy summer!

We are also thrilled to have been discovered 'across the pond', with Pan Magazine (from California, USA) getting in touch to ask whether we would like to be featured in their next edition. Of course, we said yes - it feels like another incredible achievement for us. We simply see ourselves as two unlikely and unassuming pan players from Sussex, whose main aim will always be to share the joy, fun and friendship we have found through these beautiful instruments with others. When events like this happen though, we can't help but wonder what the future has in store. We are looking forward to finding out!

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